Evolution Jobs

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    Job vacancy highlight: Embedded software, firmware and electronic design engineers

    Now and then we have a surge of job vacancies in a particular field and this time, we have three. Topping this month’s engineering vacancy popularity contest, we have: embedded software engineers, firmware engineers and electronic design engineers.

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    5 trends impacting defence and aerospace

    The global defence and aerospace industries are undergoing significant change and disruption, impacting both your business and your career. This month, we’re looking at the top five trends affecting these sectors and what this means for your future.

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    How to be employable when you’re not looking

    You’re not actively looking for a new engineering job - the perks, people and work make you quite happy where you are. Nevertheless, if the right opportunity came along, you wouldn’t say no. Passive candidate recruitment is commonplace in the engineering industry - where the skills gap is making it increasingly difficult for companies to find active candidates with the right skills. But how do you take advantage of this opportunity and make yourself employable, when you’re not even looking? You’re about to find out.

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    Soft skill focus: project management skills

    There are many blogs out there (our own included) about the increasing requirement of soft skills for engineering jobs and vacancies - but what these blogs don’t do, is delve into the specific requirements of those skills and what you can do now to improve them.

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    The hidden costs of recruiting engineers

    You’ll be all too familiar with the figures bouncing around about the cost of attracting and hiring talented engineers in the UK - leading you to opt for internal recruitment to save some of your budget. However, have you considered the hidden costs of recruiting engineers internally?

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    Signing the dotted line – what to ask yourself before accepting a job offer

    Congratulations! You passed the sift, got invited to an interview, impressed in person and now you have a shiny new job offer in your hand - time to immediately accept and sign the dotted line, right? Wait a minute.

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    How the Engineering Industry Can Drive Diversity and Inclusion

    Society is making strides when it comes to diversity and inclusion, so why is engineering one of the UK’s largest industries dragging its feet? Only 12% of the engineering workforce is female and only 8.1% from an ethnic minority group, which for a sector employing 19% of the total UK workforce, is alarming.

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    Personal branding and your job search

    Personal branding - we’re not talking about the trainers you wear or the handbag you carry; we’re talking about the brand you’re presenting to potential employers. Whether you’re actively looking for your next engineering vacancy or open to passive opportunities, your personal brand is crucial to your career - and we’re about to discover yours.

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    8 mistakes businesses make when hiring engineers

    The engineering talent war is on. With estimates of an annual engineer shortfall of between 37,000 to 59,000, recruitment in the engineering industry has never been so hard. But have you stopped to consider that your recruitment challenges might not stem from the lack of talent, but rather the way you go about recruiting that talent?

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